Ghost Cache

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'Menu' 3.4


Evening Continued

Home of Raphael Whitebuckle, Tanzar, North West Coast, Mrilchift, Riches of Renfros

Stoni ran for the kitchen as safely as she could while holding a candle.  The expected amount of mess greeted her senses: the aged scent of wine and the sight of glass shards in a bubbling puddle, surrounded by splatters of liquid.  Some drips still ran down the bottoms of the cabinets.

Notably, there was no one and nothing present that might be considered responsible for the bottle's fall.

"Once is weird, twice is worrying," Stoni muttered, checking over her shoulder for anything that might be creeping up on her.  Still nothing.  "And it's the 557 bottle I tried earlier.  I definitely left it in the middle of the bench."  Four other bottles remained untouched.  One was from an earlier year and the other three were more recent.

Stoni looked around uneasily.  Nothing else looked out of place, not counting her right eye's entire visual field.  She waited a minute, but no further sounds made themselves known.  She decided the best course of action was to clean up the mess.  If the situation developed and she found herself fleeing through the house, a wet floor littered with broken glass could be a major hazard.  Sweeping up the glass and dumping it in a metal mixing bowl wasn't too difficult, though she had to keep the dustpan in place with a foot.  Mopping with one hand felt awkward, but it was over soon enough.  She didn't bother cleaning the wine-splattered cabinets, and felt that Granny V would have left that task to her son too.

  • New skill: Handiwork.
  • Handiwork reached tier 40 of Dreadful rank.

After messily ripping off chunks of white bread to eat, a second search of the house yielded nothing further out of place.

  • Handiwork to Dreadful-50, Footwork to Poor-6, Observe to Poor-20

"Thanks ALI, that's much better.  But did I really get ten tiers of handiwork just for eating some bread?"


Stoni sighed in frustation at the simple answer.  "Why?"

Reaching Poor tier represents the skill of about an hour of training.

"Ah, I think I follow.  So going from poor rank to sufficient rank would be, what, about ten hours?"

Correct.  Each rank represents approximately ten times as much training time as the previous.

"And that requires actual improvement, not just repetition, right?"

Correct.  This can be expedited by training with a teacher of higher skill.

"Thanks for the tip.  If you're in a helpful mood, could you tell me what's going on in this house?"

No response was provided.


Stoni checked the entertainment room again, but it remained undisturbed.  "This is getting tiresome."  She seated herself in a tall armchair by the displayed musical instruments.  "Before I forget again, it's time I asked for that list of available classes, ALI," she said as she swung her legs in the air and kicked off her shoes.

A few seconds passed without event.

"Oh."  She rolled her eyes.  "Show me a table of classes available to new characters, please."

Potential Starter Classes
LabourerOne who does basic physical work. [More...] False [More...]
DrudgeOne who does intense, thoughtless physical work. [More...] False [More...]
ScholarOne of quick mind who studies some facet of the world. [More...] True [More...]
PhilospherOne of vast mind who studies many facets of the world. [More...] False [More...]
BardOne who entertains, amuses, and perhaps manipulates. [More...] False [More...]
NobleOne of high status and position in society who knows how to make others achieve their goals. [More...] False [More...]
AcrobatOne who is capable of precise physical feats. [More...] True [More...]
AdeptOne with astounding physical presence. [More...] False [More...]
MessengerOne who carries information over great distances. [More...] False [More...]
RangerOne who has honed the art of distant violence. [More...] False [More...]
SageOne who is considered wise and mysterious, seeking and using hidden knowledge while maintaining their own secrets. [More...] False [More...]
TeacherOne who can entertain and enthrall with knowledge. [More...] True [More...]
ArtisanOne who crafts mighty works. [More...] False [More...]
Shade StrikerOne who waits in hiding as long as is needed to strike at unsuspecting targets. [More...] False [More...]
StrategistOne who knows how to get things done, and gets them done. [More...] True [More...]
TraderOne who is the master of none. [More...] True [More...]
Potential Starter Classes_Muscle Based_Labourer_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Muscle Based_Labourer_Abilities
Break TimeTaking a short break refreshes stamina and gives a brief attribute boost.
  • Muscle
Group EffortSlight speed increase to physical tasks per nearby worker performing the same task.
  • Mind
RepetitionReduces stamina drain of repetitive physical task, causes a timed debuff to other tasks on use.
  • Mind
  • Muscle
Second WindRestore full stamina. Has a long cooldown.
  • Muscle
Working CadenceSinging or chanting while working causes slight speed increase in nearby workers performing the same physical task.
  • Mystique
Potential Starter Classes_Muscle Based_Drudge_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Muscle Based_Drudge_Abilities
Absolute UnitIncrease effective Muscle for a time. Long cooldown.
  • Muscle
Low MaintenanceFood and drink are extra nourishing.
  • Muscle
Muscle MemoryLearn how to perform a physical task by seeing another worker do it.
  • Muscle
Repetitive FugueReduces stamina drain of repetitive physical task, reducing effective Mind to 0 while active.
  • Muscle
Rush HourWork much faster for a time, then become completely exhausted.
  • Muscle
Potential Starter Classes_Mind Based_Scholar_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Mind Based_Scholar_Abilities
Appear BrilliantWhen communicating an idea, increase its positive perception.
  • Mystique
  • Mind
ConcentrateFor a time, increase Mind at the expense of Mystique.
  • Mind
Detect ConnectionNotice relationships between details within chosen field of study.
  • Mind
Detect PatternNotice the order behind details within chosen field of study.
  • Mind
Escape NoticeAppear to be a noncombatant, non-threat, or unimportant.
  • Mystique
Potential Starter Classes_Mind Based_Philospher_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Mind Based_Philospher_Abilities
Towering BrillianceYour words, deeds, and reputation seem amazingly lofty.
  • Mind
  • Mystique
HyperfocusFor a time, vastly increase Mind at the expense of Mystique and Muscle.
  • Mind
Web of ThoughtRemember and revisit your interconnected thoughts and easily spot new connections and patterns.
  • Mind
Inductive ReasoningCalculate likely outcomes based on past experience and current knowledge.
  • Mind
Mental ConditioningTrain your body to respond to specific stimuli as you choose.
  • Mind
Potential Starter Classes_Mystique Based_Bard_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Mystique Based_Bard_Abilities
Feel the RhythmYou can sense the momentary flow of events and weave the timing of your performance to match.
  • Mystique
Feel the RhymeYou can choose words that fit the momentary meaning of events.
  • Mystique
FlourishMake an action especially surprise and delight your audience.
  • Mystique
Pitch PerfectWeave the tone of your performance to fit or adjust the mood of an audience.
  • Mystique
Sense DesireKnow what is in the hearts of others.
  • Mystique
Potential Starter Classes_Mystique Based_Noble_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Mystique Based_Noble_Abilities
Inspire LoyaltyTarget underlings work or fight harder for your cause in response to your encouragement.
  • Mystique
OveraweYour sheer presence gives lesser beings pause.
  • Mystique
Sceptre StrikeIncrease power and proficiency with your weapon of office, and it is much harder to damage.
  • Muscle
Sense AllegienceDetermine targets' willingness and intent to plot against you or your enemies.
  • Mystique
VoluntellConvince target of lower status that a plan is their own idea.
  • Mystique
Potential Starter Classes_Two Stat_Acrobat_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Two Stat_Acrobat_Abilities
Choose MomentYou know the best time to make a move.
  • Mind
Dodge HarmYou can detect incoming danger and move aside.
  • Mind
  • Muscle
Maintain BalanceYou can keep your centre of gravity in the right place.
  • Mind
Spot PerchYou can detect good places for landing or grabbing.
  • Mind
Unerring GraspYou can grab onto what you want to.
  • Muscle
Potential Starter Classes_Two Stat_Adept_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Two Stat_Adept_Abilities
Hypnotic PerformanceYour movements demand attention and can inspire chosen responses in observers.
  • Mystique
Maintain FlowYou know how to chain your movements together to drain less stamina.
  • Muscle
Self ReinforcementMultiple rapid strikes increase in strength.
  • Muscle
Become OneEmotional closeness to something lets you mimic its attributes.
  • Mystique
Rubber SoulEmotional punches only stretch you and bounce off, as do physical pains.
  • Muscle
  • Mystique
Potential Starter Classes_Two Stat_Messenger_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Two Stat_Messenger_Abilities
Avoid ReprisalYou make sure no one is inclined to shoot the messenger.
  • Mystique
Blessed FeetYou are harder to damage when carrying good news and you attract friends.
  • Muscle
  • Mystique
Worn PathThe more familiar you are with your route, the easier it is to travel it.
  • Muscle
Dark TidingsWhen carrying bad news, all know to get out of your way and your strength is increased.
  • Muscle
  • Mystique
News HoundYou can sniff out a good story and are especially swift at reaching a noteworthy scene.
  • Muscle
  • Mystique
Potential Starter Classes_Two Stat_Ranger_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Two Stat_Ranger_Abilities
Adjust AimYou know how to move to increase accuracy of subsequent ranged attacks.
  • Muscle
Bow ArmReduce fatigue from using a ranged weapon, at the expense of Mystique.
  • Muscle
Nature KnowledgeYou know how to use your environment to your advantage.
  • Mind
Spot PreyYour senses are honed to detect that which you seek.
  • Mind
StillnessYou can remain motionless yet ready to act swiftly.
  • Muscle
Potential Starter Classes_Two Stat_Sage_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Two Stat_Sage_Abilities
BaffleConfuse targets with words or actions, making them susceptable to manipulation.
  • Mystique
ConcentrateFor a time, increase Mind at the expense of Mystique.
  • Mind
Draw FocusTrick targets into noticing only what you want them to notice.
  • Mystique
Resist PoisonPurify your body through sheer force of will.
  • Mind
Sense VulnerabilityDetermine targets' emotional and mental weak points.
  • Mystique
Potential Starter Classes_Two Stat_Teacher_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Two Stat_Teacher_Abilities
Distill KnowledgeYou can find the basic or important facts in a body of knowledge.
  • Mind
Generate LessonYou can fashion a method by which your students can learn some specific information.
  • Mind
Memorable MomentYour students will long remember a specific point, and who taught it to them.
  • Mystique
Retain AttentionAs you teach your students are more likely to remain engaged.
  • Mystique
Spot TalentYou can evaluate who will make good students, and determine what your students might be capable of.
  • Mind
Potential Starter Classes_Three Stat_Artisan_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Three Stat_Artisan_Abilities
Add FlairYou can add details to a product to induce a particular feeling in those who experience it.
  • Mystique
Effective ToolingYou know the best tools for the job.
  • Mind
Industrious EnduranceYou can better cope with the hazardous side effects of your crafting processes.
  • Muscle
Material GainsYou know what materials to use in a project and how to combine them most effectively.
  • Mind
Steady HandYou can accurately perform very detailed work.
  • Muscle
Potential Starter Classes_Three Stat_Shade Striker_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Three Stat_Shade Striker_Abilities
Appear HarmlessReduce suspicion and fear aimed your way.
  • Mystique
Imbue EssenceYour mental state influences your weapon and those it strikes.
  • Mystique
Pierce ProtectionStrike foes through armour and cover.
  • Muscle
Skip EmptinessWhile waiting, time seems to pass quickly until something notable occurs.
  • Mind
Unerring BlowIncrease the accuracy of your first attack in a fight.
  • Muscle
Potential Starter Classes_Three Stat_Strategist_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Three Stat_Strategist_Abilities
Evaluate CapabilityYou can determine what you and your allies can do.
  • Mind
Evaluate EnemyYou can determine what your foes can and might do.
  • Mind
Predict OutcomeRapidly determine the result of a conflict, based on available information.
  • Mind
Force MultiplierShare strength with those acting in concert with you.
  • Muscle
Battle RhythmYou feel the opportune moments to act in order to shape your foes' impressions.
  • Mystique
Potential Starter Classes_Three Stat_Trader_Requirements
Potential Starter Classes_Three Stat_Trader_Abilities
Effective BrandingYou have a sense of how to manage your reputation and the expectations of customers.
  • Mystique
Lug GoodsYou are effective and efficient and safely carrying trade items.
  • Muscle
Make DealYou are good at settling trades and arrangements in your favour.
  • Mystique
Organise SpaceYou are great at packing and arranging stock, and customers.
  • Mind
Spot OpportunityYou are skilled at determining what is possible with what is available.
  • Mind

"That's a lot to unpack," Stoni said as she glanced throught the multiple lists.  "So many options and possibilities, though a lot of them aren't available to me with 2 Mind and 1 of the other stats.  I'm left with Scholar, Acrobat, Teacher, Strategist and Trader."  Her mind began to wander as she considered what she might do with each class.  Idly, she plucked the strings on one of the musical instruments a few times.  After the discordant notes died away, she heard them echoed at a distance and with even less musicality.  "What was that?"


She plucked a single string.  On closer inspection, it was a thin metal wire, not technically a string.

Again, she heard a sound from outdoors.  It seemed like a much longer metal wire had been plucked.

Stoni plucked a few more notes and listened to the responses.  "It's coming from... the garden?"  She remembered seeing wires marking out the individual beds.  "Guess I better take a look.  Reading up on classes will have to wait."  She considered also taking a weapon, but decided light was a higher priority.  She'd found a lantern in a storage cupboard, which had glass sides to protect the internal candle from the wind.  After lighting it with her candle she blew the candle out.  Given what had happened to the book and the bottle, she knew that leaving the candle alight in its holder was just begging for an inexplicable fire to break out as soon as she left the house.  As well as protecting her light source from the wind, she gave herself some protection by slipping into a hooded fur coat.

As she approached the garden, she did not see anyone else present.  The wire all looked normal, with nothing attached to it.  She plucked it a few times and recognised the sound as what she'd heard from the entertainment room.  "Good to know I was right about that at least.  This still makes no sense."

The ony thing that she considered might be out of place was a common garden rake.  It was resting between two beds with its teeth pointing up and looked like it had been dragged through the dirt, not simply dropped where it was.  She eyed it warily.  "What secrets do you hold, rake?"

The rake didn't answer.

With a shrug, she continued walking to the end of the row and looped around to walk back between the next two beds.  The next bed over was empty and appeared freshly raked.  Some of the soil had been disturbed since.  "Weird."  She walked to the middle of the row to get a better view and slowly realised the shapes were intentional.  "Someone wrote in the soil.  But why?  And where are their footprints?"  Although she was certain the lines were letters, she could not actually read them.  "Stranger and stranger.  I've been able to read everything else in VIVID.  Maybe I'm looking at it upside down?"

She tried looking at it from the other side, but that didn't help.  "What am I missing here?  Words... book... bottle... glass... mirror?"  She imagined what the lines would look like if they were reversed in a mirror, and immediately she became aware of the meaning of the word.  The knowledge sent a chill through her body that the coat could not keep out.


Involunarily, she took a step away from the word and closer to the house.  Her foot landed on something hard that hadn't been there a minute ago.  The rake handle leapt up and smacked her square on the nose.

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